Important Update and Season's Greetings

Important Update and Season's Greetings


Season's greetings to you all! We hope this message finds you well, and we appreciate your continued support and understanding. As we navigate the final stages of fulfillment, we wanted to share the latest updates on TMB and express our sincere wishes for the holiday season and the coming year.

Our team visited the factory in November, discussed with the manufacturer ways to enhance the current lineup, and collaborated on future improvements. Check out the video to get a behind-the-scenes look at the process!

Shipping Updates:Β Despite our best efforts to fulfill all pledges by Christmas, we encountered unforeseen challenges that necessitated a temporary pause in distribution. Your feedback has been invaluable, and we've taken decisive steps to address issues that surfaced during the initial phase. This was essential to avoid later complications that could incur significantly higher costs by sending replacements at a later date.Β 

  • Β Painting Process:Β Some bottles exhibited text fading when rubbing, as was indicated through our backers' feedback. To rectify this, our team traveled to our manufacturer in China, testing alternative painting processes. While initial results were promising, mass production revealed issues for some of the batches that weren't exposed to the UV light for enough time. We made the tough decision to halt production, redirect orders, and rework the bottles to ensure a lasting solution.
  • Β Shipping Damages:Β Reports of damaged bottles prompted a reevaluation of our packaging process, causing additional delays. Our commitment to delivering pristine products remains unwavering, and we are taking every measure to enhance the packaging to prevent any further issues.
  • Β European Shipments:Β Shipping to Europe has presented unique challenges, with a complex documentation process for each order (as we imported the goods rather than shipping directly from China). Here, the need for an extensive set of documents for each individual order has proven to be a time-consuming manual process. We are diligently addressing these requirements to ensure compliance, contributing to additional time and effort on our end.


Shipping Progress:Β We understand the importance of transparency. Here's a breakdown of our progress across the 3 distribution centers:

  • Β US Distribution Center:Β 70% of packages have been shipped
  • Β EU Distribution Center:Β 65% of packages have been dispatched
  • Β China Distribution Center:Β 70% of packages have been sent out

These percentages are based on our current progress and may be subject to slight adjustments as we navigate the final stages of fulfillment.

Revised Timeline:Β Realistically, based on current data, we anticipate needing an additional 1-2 months to complete shipping all packages to our backers worldwide. We understand the anticipation and frustration that may arise from these delays, however, we've come a long way, and with your help, we've created unique products that backers love using. Even though it seems from the comments section that many have not yet received their products, most of those who have received them no longer check the Comments Section. However, we've received very positive feedback via email & messages.Β 


Improvements to Extension and Flat Cap:Β In response to your input, we have taken proactive steps to enhance the Extension and Flat Cap components:

  • Β Extension:Β We have completely redesigned the mold to improve the Extension. This ensures a better fit and function, addressing concerns raised by our backers.
  • Β Flat Cap:Β Recognizing the importance of ease of use, we are in the process of remaking the Flat Cap mold to make it more user-friendly and convenient.

Versions 2 of the Extension and Flat CapΒ are set to be launched in March-April. We want to ensure that you are 100% happy with your TMB experience, so backers will be entitled to a free upgrade to V2 for both the Extension and Flat Cap. For those opting for V2, youΒ will only need to cover the shipping costs associated with the upgraded components.Β 


As we approach the holiday season, we want to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. May your holidays be filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments. We appreciate your understanding, and your support means the world to us.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Β May the upcoming year bring you prosperity, good health, and the fulfillment of all your aspirations. Thank you for being an integral part of The Modular Bottle journey.

Warm regards,

TMB Team


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